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Patient and family assistance


The treatment of the person with Parkinson disease necessarily requires a complete perspective where the family or care providers are involved. According to this necessity, in the Parkinson workshop we work with patients and care providers/relatives in the different areas of development: we attend to their needs, we include their relatives in the annual celebrations, visits to places of interest and activities of the workshop, and we favor the fluent dialog with the patient and his /her family in order to remove all doubt and to learn care and mutual recognition strategies and to overcome the difficulties that the disease produces in daily activities.

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The dance space is the oldest in the Parkinson Workshop, since 2002 with Prof. Carlos Sanchez, who is currently working. The main work is the use of music and movement techniques to develop situations that encourage the appearance of paradoxal movement. Thus, a wide range of musical rhythms and instruments,(elastic sheets, percussion instruments, flags, elastic bands, etc) are used complementing dances and many times offering obstacles which mean a challenge for the participant.

Dances workshop

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Physical Education


The integration of the Physical Education as an activity of the Parkinson Workshop is intended to provide the participants with some tools in order to be able to cope, in the best possible way, with the daily activities in spite of the difficulties the Disease presents.
From this perspective, the clinic Parkinson manifestations are tackled with specific body activities; for stiffness, stretching and flexibility of the articular muscle are developed for avoiding the muscular shortening and disbalance; for tackling with the postural manifestations – change of gravity center and support base-, consciousness-raising work of the body and its segments; for bradykinesia, learning fast movements and for freezing, work strategies on the gravity center, step cadence and counter movements. With this, it is intended to keep the movement range, to preserve the articulations mobile, flexible and lubricated, to keep the muscular tone, to achieve a correct posture through the organization of a postural scheme and to develop an inner rhythmic sequence that together with exteroceptive stimuli, can avoid freezing.
The described activity is framed in a recreational approach, since it is through games, as an original way of human expression, that the person is modified, develops perceptions and intelligence, experiences, socializes and practices his/her imagination, creativity and spontaneity.
The game allows performing the motor adjustments to different situations. When playing, the person uses his full motor functions, the movement itself, but also emotions, sensations, experiences and perceptions. The game reasserts confidence, promotes participation, empathy and communication.

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The aim of this space is the interaction with oneself and with another through personal and group games, providing the participant with his own space for discovering his expressive skills. The discovery of the expressive and creative potential that each one has and the possibility of discovering all the expressive forms we have through improvisation exercises-games bring into play the paradoxal phenomenon in its different ways: the voice, the facial expression, the individual movement and the social interaction.

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