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The workshop and University: 2009 - 2011


Nowadays, we are beginning the Extension Program health, creativity and movement: the Parkinson Workshop (National University of La Plata, Medical Sciences School, Psychiatry Chair).
This is framed in the clinic neuroscience with the general aim of improving the quality of life of the people with Parkinson Disease (PD) through the proposal of a non-conventional model of assistance, human resources training and community education.  The methodology to be implemented, based on a mainly interdisciplinary approach, depends on the principles of the non-formal education addressed to patients, families and community, in the use of paradoxal mobility as an instrument of function recovery and in the development of workshop activities for movement and creativity with people with PD.  It is expected to widen the scope of the Parkinson Workshop to communities with limited technological, professional and economic resources as well as training professionals and volunteers, educating the populations and offering free assistance for people with PD and relatives even when they do not attend the Workshop.  It would be expected that throughout these three years of program, the achieved results could be shown in an audiovisual final work or in a publication showing how the recovery of movement in people with PD restores their role in the family and in society.

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The workshop and University: 2007 - 2008


Extension Project: Quality of life in the Parkinson Workshop. An innovating strategy for establishing productive relationships between University and Community.
At the end of 2007, the National University of La Plata (UNLP) decided to approve and grant our project presented in the frame of Calls for Projects of University Extension of that institution. As in the case of University Volunteering, this project was presented through the Chair of Psychiatry of the Medical School of the UNLP.
Framed in the neurosciences, the Project was aimed to create and develop interdisciplinary health spaces through the development of the Parkinson Workshop as an innovating strategy where the University was at the service of the community’s life quality, being the target people with Parkinson Disease (PD), relatives, health, education and communication staff, among others.  In order to achieve this, we developed a plan in the Parkinson Workshop following the original idea that had been growing since 2002, and created new extension spaces of the Workshop, both in the population with PD, and by means of strategies of non-formal education for the community (relatives of patients with PD, representatives of several disciplines related to health, etc.).  A self-monitoring and assessment were necessary for the steady improvement of the activities and for giving rise to the useful knowledge to develop the exercises. With this Project we hope to contribute to the conceptual change about PD in order to decrease the risk of social exclusion of those people suffering from the disease, improving their quality of life.

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The workshop and University: 2006 - 2007


University Volunteering

Approved by the National Ministry of Education and developed by the Psychiatry Chair of the Medical School of La Plata National University.
The project proposed the creation and application of activities designed from the theoretical-practical model of different humanistic and scientific disciplines that, converging interdisciplinary, tend to the improvement of the life quality of people with Parkinson Disease (PD) in their psycho-social and neurological-psychiatric aspects conceived as a whole.   These activities were ruled by the neuro scientific principle of paradoxical motility and that of the human right to express oneself bodily and mentally in spite of the conditioning factors that this disease causes in the genome-phenome-environment condition.   The medical history that oriented the intended activity was based on the observations and benefits for the life quality of the participants of the pilot experience in Dr Alejandro Korn Hospital (Melchor Romero, La Plata, Argentina). It was based on a novel model for the geographic areas where the task is being developed. As it is a therapeutic model of interdisciplinary integration, it comprised volunteers of several Colleges.

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